Your gifts inspire us to think big, develop young artists and share our passion with the community. The support from this fund ensures MTC will be around for future generations of Manitobans. Your donation will be increased with additional support from the Canada Cultural Fund meaning every dollar has an even bigger impact.
An endowment fund is a long-term investment where the capital is held in perpetuity and the investment income is withdrawn annually. This fund makes a transformational difference by providing over $1 million every season to our theatre's operations. Our fund is managed by The Winnipeg Foundation.
Royal MTC accepts gifts to the endowment to strengthen the existing fund and ensure the future of this theatre. All endowment donations are recognized in Ovation, our house program, and in the Annual Report. Donors who make a gift of $5,000 or more are recognized on the donor wall in the lobby of the John Hirsch Mainstage. Campaign Partner