Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre-Media Centre

founders' circle

our way of thanking you today

Are you thinking about your future? If so, consider joining the Founders’ Circle today. Your legacy gift will ensure that Royal MTC will be a home for artists and arts lovers for generations. 

There is no minimum commitment to become a Founders’ Circle member. Your gift can be of any size – just 1% of your estate can make a lasting difference.

There are many wonderful reasons to leave a legacy gift, including: 

  • Legacy gifts allow you to meet your personal financial objectives while making a significant impact on the future artistic aspirations of Royal MTC. 
  • A charitable tax credit can reduce the payment of your final income taxes. 
  • You don’t need money to make a gift, you can “buy low and give high” through appreciated securities. 
  • Your legacy gift can leave your cash flow and current financial plan untouched while ensuring the you’re experience at Royal MTC is available for generations to come.


Legacy giving doesn’t only mean updating your will. There are many types of gifts that can shape our future:

  • Will
  • Listed appreciated securities
  • Life insurance
  • Retirement assets (RRSP, RRIF)
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Residual interest

If you have already made a legacy gift or have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Contact Brendan McKeen, Individual Giving Manager, at or call 204 954 6412.

Let us celebrate you! Members receive the following benefits:

  • Invitations to exclusive donor events including our annual Founders' Circle event. Join other theatre lovers to enjoy a Q + A and candid conversations with artists currently performing with MTC. 
  • A Founders’ Circle pin which can be proudly worn to show your commitment to the future of Royal MTC
  • Recognition on Royal MTC’s Founders’ Circle wall
  • Recognition in Ovation and Royal MTC’s Annual Report

We look forward to recognizing and celebrating your generosity, foresight and commitment to Royal MTC’s future. 



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