Every gift makes an impact. Thanks to your donation today, Royal MTC will continue to share stories that enlighten, challenge and heal the human spirit. As a donor, you receive benefits based on your giving level. Benefits include invitations to exclusive donor events that provide you with behind-the-scenes access to the work we do onstage.
You can join the Director’s Circle by donating a minimum of $1,200. You can become a Company Circle member by donating a minimum of $100.
Many individuals choose to donate monthly because it’s easy, convenient and maximizes the impact of your gift. A little every month makes a wonderful difference! $10 per month = $120 per year = Company Circle Member $20 per month = $240 per year $50 per month = $600 per year $100 per month = $1,200 per year = Director’s Circle Member (Click on image to see full version) For more information or to make a donation, contact: Brendan McKeen Individual Giving Manager 204 954 6412 bmckeen@royalmtc.ca