Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre-Media Centre
Cast of Urinetown. Photo by Mike Sudoma.




By Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman

Directed by Mariam Bernstein

May 7 – 10, 2025

Character list | Roles & audition scenes | Rehearsal & performances 

The Man Who Came to Dinner is a riotous romp filled with colourful characters. This hilarious play is a Broadway favourite following the 2000 revival featuring Nathan Lane and Jean Smart. Mariam Bernstein directs this screwball comedy that is guaranteed to showcase the talents of Winnipeg’s vibrant legal community.



character list

Feel free to audition for 2 roles. The Director is eager to see lawyers who are interested in both musicals and plays!

Principal roles: 
•    Sheridan Whiteside (any gender)
•    Maggie

Secondary/character roles:
•    Mr. Stanley
•    Mrs. Stanely
•    Miss Preen (pops in and out frequently during the play)
•    Bert Jefferson
•    Lorraine
•    Banjo (a few scenes; plum zany role!) – either gender
•    Beverley (1 scene, but a plum role!) – male
•    Dr. Bradley (pops in and out frequently during the play) – either gender
•    Richard
•    June

Small roles: 
•    Harriet Stanley (flits in and out briefly several times in the play; fun character role)
•    Sandy – male. One scene.
•    Professor Metz – any gender. (1 scene, but it's a juicy character role. May be combined with walk on parts)
•    Mrs. McCutcheon*: May be combined with walk on parts. Please prepare Mrs. Stanley sides. These ladies will also sing "Silent Night" in the Christmas Eve broadcast scene.
•    Mrs. Dexter*: May be combined with walk on parts. Please prepare Mrs. Stanley sides. These ladies will also sing "Silent Night" in the Christmas Eve broadcast scene. 
•    Sarah*  
•    John* 

Walk-ons: few/no lines
•    Westcott*
•    Baker*
•    prisoners, technicians, delivery people*

*Please read the sides for one of the characters above.

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Roles & Audition Scenes

Sheridan Whiteside
Main character:  Nationally renowned writer and radio personality who travels the world, he associates with stars, legends, politicians, artists - all the greats of the world - and they love his spirit, and lust for life. He is a fabulously witty man, and the life of the party wherever he goes. Often overbearing, obnoxious, and boisterous, he lives life fully with a great sense of humour, but does not suffer fools gladly. Sees through everyone's pretentions and calls 'em as he sees 'em. He broke his hip at the Stanley's house and is now stuck there recuperating. Underneath his bluster lurks a good heart. Based on Alexander Woolcott.

Maggie Cutler
Whiteside's private secretary. Smart, efficient, witty. One of the few who can tolerate Whiteside's irascibility, and still stand up to him when needed. Working for Sheridan has been an incredible adventure for her, though trying at times! Her spark makes her beloved and admired by all of Sheridan's friends (except Lorraine... the two women approach life VERY differently).


Mr. Stanley
Traditional, conservative businessman. Anti-union. Loathes how Whiteside has usurped him in his own house and turned his ordered world into chaos.  Fed up with Whiteside's self absorbed, domineering personality.

Mrs. Stanley
Wife to Mr. Stanley. Traditional, enjoys her normal suburban existence, but is VERY excited to have such a  celebrity in her home. Emotional and quite stressed trying to keep her husband calm while  satisfying the demands of their guest.

Richard Stanley
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. A warm, affable, and enthusiastic young man. Talented amateur photographer who follows Whiteside's advice and leaves the house to travel the world and take pictures.

June Stanley
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Young, passionate union organizer. Wants to marry Sandy, but she knows that her father disapproves of him. Good natured, fiery/passionate young woman who wants more than her mother's traditional life.

Harriet Stanley
Eccentric, ethereal older sister of Mr. Stanley. Rarely surfaces in front of guests, but does seem to want to connect with Sheridan. She has a criminal past, but is no longer a threat, and wafts through life with a gentle, vague, open heart.

Miss Preen
Nurse who attends to Whiteside. Normally very practical, disciplined, and capable, she tries to deal firmly with Sheridan the way she has her other patients, but he's having none of it  - leaving her increasingly intimidated and at a loss as to how to manage him.


The Stanley's star-struck butler. Kind, efficient, and helpful, he looks up to Whiteside. Sarah's husband. Long time employee of the Stanley household.
Wife to John. Long time cook for the Stanley household. Smart, good natured, and an outstanding cook who takes pleasure in creating food that people appreciate! 
Miss Dexter
One of the Stanley's neighbours and Mrs. Stanley's friend. She is all aflutter to be interacting with such a huge celebrity! 

Mrs. Cutcheon
Neighbour to the Stanleys, and Mrs. Stanley's friend. Like her friend Miss Dexter, she is star-struck by Whiteside.

Dr. Bradley
Whiteside's doctor. Jolly, well-meaning, ever the optimist - which drives Sheridan crazy! Writes a long book on his journeys as a medical doctor that is, one assumes, a crashing bore. Longs to be an acclaimed author, and hopes to get Sheridan's help in getting a publisher.

Bert Jefferson
Young reporter with whom Maggie falls in love, and he with her. Unpretentious, he treats Sheridan with respect, but has enough self respect to hold his own with him. A loving, generous man, passionate about journalism, who nonetheless is starstruck by Lorraine Sheldon. 

Two options:

AuditionScene-(4).jpg     Audition2.jpg

Professor Metz: any gender
A good friend of Sheridan's. Energetic, wildly enthusiastic about his/her work, and thrilled to share his discoveries!  Studies insects. Brings cockroaches to Whiteside while s/he stays in the Stanley's house. A German accent would be great fun, but it 's not a requirement; his/her joyous energy is most important!

Lorraine Sheldon
Long standing friend of Sheridan's. Famous, temperamental actress. Young and beautiful, a great seductress. Would willingly give up stardom, though, to be a British duchess with a mansion, jewels, and the life that goes with it.

Young Union-organizer. Boyfriend to June Stanley, even though June's father disapproves. Enthusiastic, good heart, dedicated to improving the life of the workers - and to marrying June!

Beverley Carlton
English entertainer who fakes the voice of Lord Bottomley to help Maggie. Stylish, great fun... think Noël Coward! Based on Ivor Novello. (NB - though he sings in the play, he will not be doing the song in this production).

Movie comedian and good friend of Whiteside's. Impish, zany, loves to play pranks; to help Maggie, he helps get Lorraine to leave. A good heart who cares about Maggie's welfare, and his friend Sheridan. Based on Harpo Marx.

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Rehearsals are currently scheduled to run from January 6 to April 30 and will usually take place on Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings.  Cast members will not be called for every rehearsal but they must be available for all technical rehearsals that take place from May 1 to 6.   

Performances will take place from Wednesday, May 7 to Saturday, May 10 at 7:30pm. The performance venue will be the Tom Hendry Warehouse.

**Please note that cast members must hold current MBA membership, have no theatre/film union affiliation, and be willing to help sell tickets, as the production is a fundraising event for Royal MTC. 

Royal MTC Inclusive Casting Policy: We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, the director will consider all submissions, without regard to age, disability, ethno-cultural identity, gender, or any other basis prohibited by law unless otherwise specifically indicated.

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