Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre-Media Centre

Tickets to the Lawyers Play work a little differently. If you have a friend in the show, help them win a prize by buying a ticket linked to their name using the list below. From there, it's just your standard ticket-buying experience.

Don't know a lawyer in the show? Scroll to the bottom to let us know if you know a Royal MTC Board member, other staff or, if you know none of the above, that you're just coming for a good time (and a tax receipt).

Gail Asper
Clair Cerilli
Paula Ethans
Nancy Fazenda
Reid Girard
Caleigh Glawson
Cynthia Hiebert-Simkin
Joan Holmstrom
Peter Kingsley
David Kroft
Jerritt Lipski
Hayley Main
Jim McLandress
Jeff Palamar
Jodi Plenert
Brad Regehr
Jaime Rosin
Mike Segstro
Heather Wadsworth

Committee Member
Board Member
Box Office


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